Minimalist Photography Awards: Soyut Mansiyon Ödülleri
Bu yıl altıncısı düzenlenen Minimalist Fotoğraf Ödülleri 'Soyut Mansiyon Ödülleri' kazananları.

Color Conversation by Gleici Rufatto

Magic Angles by Matthias Yamakasino Brandt

Waterworld (Oil & Water Studies) by Beth Buelow

Roja by Benjamin Quadflieg

The Pool by Philippe Pedat

Colorfields by Guenther Weber

Untitled, New York 2024 by Thomas Schlereth

Patterns of a Swimming Pool by David Valko

Classic Invert by Danylo Torbovskyi

Color Planes by Sebastian Szostek

Geometry by Kevin Lyle

Collide by Rachel Wei

In the style of Miro by Paul O’Flanagan

Dante’s View Anew by Beth Buelow

Enemy Within by Melanie Wills

At the Marina by Mary Ann Machi

Geometry in the fields by Petr Novak

Scenes from the end of my dock by Laura Zimmerman