2023 Mobil Fotoğrafçılık Ödülleri
12 yıl boyunca her yıl düzenlenen Mobil Fotoğrafçılık Ödülleri, telefonla çekilen fotoğrafların anlamını kalıcı hale getiriyor.

“Cross Here” by Glenn Homann (Australia)

“Curve D” by Glenn Homann (Australia)

“Eyeing Ibis” by Glenn Homann (Australia)

“Eyes” by Fabio Sartori

“Flight Pattern” by Heather McAlister

“Geocentric Exploration” by Zhengjie Wu

“Heart of Water” by Yue Qiu

“Indifference” by Konstantin Chalabov

“Miners of Ijen Volcano” by Chen Lin

“Nunset2” by Daniela Calo

“Old Mate” by Glenn Homann

“Souls of the Ancient Sea Bed #5” by John Nieto

“Spirit of City” by Michel Kharoubi

“Steel. Glass. And All That Jazz” by Dorota Yamadag

“The Scenery After the Rain” by Wang Hsiu Ling

“There by Glenn Homann (Australia)