2023 Nature inFocus Fotoğraf Ödülleri
2023 Nature inFocus Fotoğraf Ödülleri geçtiğimiz günlerde Hindistan'ın Bangalore kentinde düzenlenen bir törenle sahiplerini buldu.

“A Love Like No Other” by Afroj Sheikh

“A Sappy Alliance” by Avinash PC

“Chiaroscuro” by Kai Kolodziej

“Cry Me a River” by Hiren Pagi

“Disappearing Guardians” by Srikanth Mannepuri

“Easy Like a Sunday” by Bharath Kumar V

“Gecko’s Garage” by Vidyun Hebbar

“Giants in Peril” by Lalith Ekanayake

“Inspector Booby” by Suliman Alatiqi

“Lights Will Guide You Home” by Merche Llobera

“Raiders of Hives” by Pranav Mahendru

“Shell I Eat You” by Sankhesh Dedhia

“Skimmer Love” by Padmanava Santra

“Slender in the Night” by Arnav Deshpande

“Symmetry in Mimicry” by Arkaprava Ghosh

“The Bonobo and His Pet” by Christian Ziegler

“The Rarest of Them All” by Sergey Gorshkov

“The Things You Do for Love” by Amit Eshel